Monday, April 6, 2009

well here it is askalabania

well none of you voted so I just decided to do askalabania.By the way I like just got back from arliington echo.Just wait hopefully by tomorrow I can grab the pictures for the post.So here it goes.
Are you ready.Oh I am sorry.We are having a wonderful celabration thanks to some very special people.Oh am sorry again I bet you want to know who I am.My name is king Simpa.Let me tell you the story of Askalabania.once upon atime when the people visted the white tower daily everybody was happy.But 1 person did not like that his name was king Lousha.I wasent king at the time I was a servent.Also he took my wizerd powers away.But that evil little king was making a contraption that would make people think they had to sell evil things tolive and that is what he did.But three agents just happend to be out of town.thre names were micro a very small alein auto and fuse.But of course they noticed it they searched for 7 years nonstop.But they found out it was the king because they went in to the tower to find the king zapping people with his contraption.They snuck out and told everybody but they just they tried diffrent thingsbut still just laughing.But then they all yelled we are dumb because the whole time they could of asked the wisest man in the country.So when everyone else were selling things to peeople they took the wise man to the tower to show him and he just ran down the staires and he told everybody and they were shocked.So they wanted them all to be kings and they wanted me to be king.Now I know they were stupid but if they werent we would not have astory
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. good one. You write amazingly well for a 3rd grader! Write part 2 to askalabania sometime. I luv it!


  2. Nice story Harrison. I enjoyed reading it. I'm always up for some good reading!

  3. Very creative Harrison!!! I'm impressed and enjoyed reading! way to go!!!
